Our Vision:

Enabling persons with autism to lead dignified and meaningful lives.

Our Mission:

Providing quality person-centred education, distinguished by Christian love and compassion, for meaningful participation and contribution in the community.

Student Outcomes:

Enabled learners, Active Participants and Valued Contributors in the community.

St. Andrew’s Autism School (SAAS) offers a comprehensive developmental curriculum in accord with evidence-based practices for students on the autism spectrum.

We adopt a person-centred approach to designing meaningful Individualised Education or Transition Plan (IEP/ITP) for every student to access the instructional programmes, with the aim to develop essential life skills so that  their aspirations, needs and well-being from their perspective can be realised.

At SAAS, the teaching team works closely with our Allied Professionals to provide effective interventions to support our students’ sensory and regulatory needs. We also value strong home-school partnerships and seek to support family members and caregivers in providing meaningful engagement for our students beyond the school context.

Understand more about the quality education and support SPED schools can offer to children with special educational needs here.

Our Programme

SAAS focuses on a personalised curriculum that covers social-emotional learning, communication, functional literacy, numeracy, daily living, and vocational skills. We also emphasize the importance of expressive arts, adaptive physical education, and Co-curricular Activities (CCAs) to support the holistic development of our students.

Differentiated Curriculum

to complement authentic learning opportunities

SAAS curriculum engages learners in the class, community, as well as simulated authentic environments, within the safety of the campus. This provides learning environments for students to practise learnt skills, before moving on to the community. Differentiated levels of competency in the curriculum domains (e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced), cater to the needs of diverse learners.

Schoolwide Prosocial Behaviours

to support positive behaviours for learning

Teachers engage all students daily in lessons on prosocial behaviours as they learn to be safe, responsible and respectful students, and reinforce learning in various school settings with the use of visuals and positive language.

Community Engagement

to foster partnership and trust

We encourage our students to be contributing members of the community by volunteering and participating in community events. Engaging with the community fosters partnership and trust, and helps connect our students with the wider community.

Vocational Training Programme

to provide school-based work experiences

Students in the Senior Programme (13 to 18 years old) undergo vocational experiences in areas like food preparation, horticulture, office skills and “live” work in order to apply and hone work behaviours.

Transition Programme

to facilitate best possible post-school outcomes for student and family

Starting Transition Planning for our students early in their school life, working in partnership with their parents, enables them to develop the skills and qualities needed for an aspirational post-school and quality of life.

Allied Professional Support

to better cater to students’ holistic development

Psychologists, occupational, speech and language therapists, and social workers address students’ learning, behaviour, sensory and transition needs, and strive towards a transdisciplinary approach to maximise the benefits of supports to students and their families.

Admissions & Open House

Admission Criteria

If your child meets the following criteria, please click the button to find out more.

  1. Singapore citizen or permanent resident (PR)
  2. Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  3. Ambulant, able to move around independently

Open House

Visit the annual SAAS Open House to find out how our programmes can help to develop essential life skills to help fulfil your child’s needs and aspirations. Registration is required.

Date 17 May 2025 (Sat)

Time 9.30am to 12pm

Venue St. Andrew’s Autism Centre, 1 Elliot Road, Singapore 458686

Registration Starts 1 April 2025 (Tue). To register, fill in this form by 2 May 2025 (Fri). For more enquiries, contact Linda Lim Lay Hoon at Tel: 6517 3810 or e-mail: [email protected].

Contact SAAS


T: +65 6517 3800
F: +65 6517 3801
E: [email protected]


[email protected]

Our Location


1 Elliot Road, Singapore 458686


General hours of service (Mondays to Fridays):

AM Session — 8.30am to 1.00pm
PM Session — 1.00pm to 5.30pm

With the exception of Wednesdays:
AM Session — 8.30am to 11.45am
PM Session — 2.15pm to 5.30pm